Query | Affected | Num. rows | Took (ms) | Actions |
SELECT `Page`.`id`, `Page`.`parent_id`, `Page`.`home`, `PageType`.*, `Template`.`name`, (`I18n__alias`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_alias`, (`I18n__meta_title`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_meta_title`, (`I18n__meta_description`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_meta_description` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__alias` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__alias`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__alias`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__alias`.`field` = 'alias' AND `I18n__alias`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__meta_title` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__meta_title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__meta_title`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__meta_title`.`field` = 'meta_title' AND `I18n__meta_title`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__meta_description` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__meta_description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__meta_description`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__meta_description`.`field` = 'meta_description' AND `I18n__meta_description`.`locale` = 'fra') LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`templates` AS `Template` ON (`Page`.`template_id` = `Template`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`page_types` AS `PageType` ON (`Page`.`page_type_id` = `PageType`.`id`) WHERE (`I18n__alias`.`content`) = 'bulletins-municipaux' AND `Page`.`active` = '1' AND `Page`.`home` = '0' LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | maybe slow |
SELECT `nameTranslations`.`id`, `nameTranslations`.`locale`, `nameTranslations`.`model`, `nameTranslations`.`foreign_key`, `nameTranslations`.`field`, `nameTranslations`.`content` FROM `brossay`.`i18n` AS `nameTranslations` WHERE `model` = 'Page' AND `field` = 'name' AND `nameTranslations`.`foreign_key` = (85) | 2 | 2 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `aliasTranslations`.`id`, `aliasTranslations`.`locale`, `aliasTranslations`.`model`, `aliasTranslations`.`foreign_key`, `aliasTranslations`.`field`, `aliasTranslations`.`content` FROM `brossay`.`i18n` AS `aliasTranslations` WHERE `model` = 'Page' AND `field` = 'alias' AND `aliasTranslations`.`foreign_key` = (85) | 2 | 2 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `meta_titleTranslations`.`id`, `meta_titleTranslations`.`locale`, `meta_titleTranslations`.`model`, `meta_titleTranslations`.`foreign_key`, `meta_titleTranslations`.`field`, `meta_titleTranslations`.`content` FROM `brossay`.`i18n` AS `meta_titleTranslations` WHERE `model` = 'Page' AND `field` = 'meta_title' AND `meta_titleTranslations`.`foreign_key` = (85) | 2 | 2 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`id`, `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`locale`, `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`model`, `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`foreign_key`, `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`field`, `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`content` FROM `brossay`.`i18n` AS `meta_descriptionTranslations` WHERE `model` = 'Page' AND `field` = 'meta_description' AND `meta_descriptionTranslations`.`foreign_key` = (85) | 2 | 2 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `Page`.`parent_id`, `Page`.`home`, `PageType`.`slug`, `PageType`.`controller`, `PageType`.`action`, (`I18n__name`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_name`, (`I18n__alias`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_alias`, `Page`.`id` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__alias` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__alias`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__alias`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__alias`.`field` = 'alias' AND `I18n__alias`.`locale` = 'fra') LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`templates` AS `Template` ON (`Page`.`template_id` = `Template`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`page_types` AS `PageType` ON (`Page`.`page_type_id` = `PageType`.`id`) WHERE `Page`.`active` = '1' AND `Page`.`menu` = '1' ORDER BY `Page`.`lft` ASC | 22 | 22 | 0 | |
SELECT `Page`.`lft`, `Page`.`rght` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` WHERE `Page`.`id` = 85 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Page`.`id`, (`I18n__name`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_name`, (`I18n__alias`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_alias` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__alias` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__alias`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__alias`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__alias`.`field` = 'alias' AND `I18n__alias`.`locale` = 'fra') WHERE 1 = 1 AND `Page`.`lft` <= 8 AND `Page`.`rght` >= 9 ORDER BY `Page`.`lft` asc | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
SELECT `PageType`.*, `Page`.`home`, (`I18n__name`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_name`, (`I18n__alias`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_alias`, `Page`.`id` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__alias` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__alias`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__alias`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__alias`.`field` = 'alias' AND `I18n__alias`.`locale` = 'fra') LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`templates` AS `Template` ON (`Page`.`template_id` = `Template`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`page_types` AS `PageType` ON (`Page`.`page_type_id` = `PageType`.`id`) WHERE ((((`Page`.`menu` = '0') AND (`Page`.`active` = '1'))) OR (`Page`.`alias` = 'contact')) ORDER BY `Page`.`lft` ASC | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Page`.`lft`, `Page`.`rght`, `Page`.`id` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`templates` AS `Template` ON (`Page`.`template_id` = `Template`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`page_types` AS `PageType` ON (`Page`.`page_type_id` = `PageType`.`id`) WHERE `Page`.`id` = 85 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | |
SELECT `Page`.*, `PageType`.`slug`, `PageType`.`controller`, `PageType`.`action`, (`I18n__name`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_name`, (`I18n__alias`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_alias`, (`I18n__meta_title`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_meta_title`, (`I18n__meta_description`.`content`) AS `Page__i18n_meta_description`, `Page`.`id` FROM `brossay`.`pages` AS `Page` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__name` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__name`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__name`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__name`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__alias` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__alias`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__alias`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__alias`.`field` = 'alias' AND `I18n__alias`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__meta_title` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__meta_title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__meta_title`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__meta_title`.`field` = 'meta_title' AND `I18n__meta_title`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__meta_description` ON (`Page`.`id` = `I18n__meta_description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__meta_description`.`model` = 'Page' AND `I18n__meta_description`.`field` = 'meta_description' AND `I18n__meta_description`.`locale` = 'fra') LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`templates` AS `Template` ON (`Page`.`template_id` = `Template`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `brossay`.`page_types` AS `PageType` ON (`Page`.`page_type_id` = `PageType`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 AND `Page`.`lft` <= 8 AND `Page`.`rght` >= 9 ORDER BY `Page`.`lft` asc | 2 | 2 | 3 | maybe slow |
SELECT `Content`.`id`, `Content`.`page_id`, `Content`.`model`, `Content`.`zone`, `Content`.`rang` FROM `brossay`.`contents` AS `Content` WHERE `Content`.`page_id` = 85 ORDER BY `Content`.`zone` ASC, `Content`.`rang` ASC | 4 | 4 | 0 | |
SELECT `ModuleArticle`.`id`, `ModuleArticle`.`content_id`, `ModuleArticle`.`name`, `ModuleArticle`.`resume`, `ModuleArticle`.`content`, (`I18n__nameTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_nameTranslations`, (`I18n__resumeTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_resumeTranslations`, (`I18n__contentTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_contentTranslations` FROM `brossay`.`module_articles` AS `ModuleArticle` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__nameTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__nameTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__resumeTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`field` = 'resume' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__contentTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__contentTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') WHERE `ModuleArticle`.`content_id` = 90 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
SELECT `ModuleArticle`.`id`, `ModuleArticle`.`content_id`, `ModuleArticle`.`name`, `ModuleArticle`.`resume`, `ModuleArticle`.`content`, (`I18n__nameTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_nameTranslations`, (`I18n__resumeTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_resumeTranslations`, (`I18n__contentTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_contentTranslations` FROM `brossay`.`module_articles` AS `ModuleArticle` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__nameTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__nameTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__resumeTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`field` = 'resume' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__contentTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__contentTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') WHERE `ModuleArticle`.`content_id` = 89 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
SELECT `ModuleFile`.`id`, `ModuleFile`.`content_id`, `ModuleFile`.`title` FROM `brossay`.`module_files` AS `ModuleFile` WHERE `ModuleFile`.`content_id` = 88 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | maybe slow |
SELECT `File`.`id`, `File`.`fichier`, `File`.`nom`, `File`.`description`, `File`.`type`, `File`.`rang`, `File`.`module_file_id` FROM `brossay`.`files` AS `File` WHERE `File`.`module_file_id` = 6 ORDER BY `File`.`rang` ASC | 0 | 0 | 1 | maybe slow |
SELECT `ModuleArticle`.`id`, `ModuleArticle`.`content_id`, `ModuleArticle`.`name`, `ModuleArticle`.`resume`, `ModuleArticle`.`content`, (`I18n__nameTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_nameTranslations`, (`I18n__resumeTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_resumeTranslations`, (`I18n__contentTranslations`.`content`) AS `ModuleArticle__i18n_contentTranslations` FROM `brossay`.`module_articles` AS `ModuleArticle` INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__nameTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__nameTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n__nameTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__resumeTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`field` = 'resume' AND `I18n__resumeTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `brossay`.`i18n` AS `I18n__contentTranslations` ON (`ModuleArticle`.`id` = `I18n__contentTranslations`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`model` = 'ModuleArticle' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`field` = 'content' AND `I18n__contentTranslations`.`locale` = 'fra') WHERE `ModuleArticle`.`content_id` = 86 LIMIT 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
SELECT `Evenement`.`id`, `Evenement`.`content`, `Evenement`.`date_debut`, `Evenement`.`date_fin`, `Evenement`.`created` FROM `brossay`.`evenements` AS `Evenement` WHERE ((((`Evenement`.`date_debut` >= '2025-02-22 23:59:59') AND (`Evenement`.`date_fin` IS NULL))) OR (((NOT (`Evenement`.`date_fin` IS NULL)) AND (`Evenement`.`date_fin` >= '2025-02-22 23:59:59')))) ORDER BY `Evenement`.`date_debut` DESC, `Evenement`.`date_fin` DESC | 0 | 0 | 0 | |